Die Suche ergab 32 Treffer

von kerni polska
8. Okt 2011, 21:27
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Re: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

last year: http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7786/dsc00615hf.jpg http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9267/dsc2346.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/6350/dsc00658ri.jpg http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/4523/dsc00651ms.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/2425/dsc00656f.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YJ...
von kerni polska
2. Apr 2010, 11:57
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Re: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs470.ash1/25812_1406426326207_1398888377_1109171_4445499_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs450.snc3/25812_1406427086226_1398888377_1109188_6536995_n.jpg http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs470.ash1/25812_1406425566188_13988...
von kerni polska
19. Mär 2010, 12:39
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Re: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/1440/dsc00334e.th.jpg http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3483/zzzzzn.th.jpg http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/1085/fffid.th.jpg news parts for corsa :wink: it will be evo III http://lh4.ggpht.com/_YJ6_r1LGndY/S4mhtnMAJhI/AAAAAAAACU8/oYu7Dcv6iao/s720/P2270736.JPG ...
von kerni polska
4. Feb 2010, 23:50
Forum: Facelift
Thema: My Corsa-a SHREK X25XE from POLAND
Antworten: 62
Zugriffe: 28452

Re: My Corsa-a SHREK X25XE from POLAND

Germannova hat geschrieben:13'' mit V6?

naturlich, 13" mit V6 und nitro :wink:
Dieses Auto hat 210 PS und 316 Nm ohne Nitro.
Die beste Zeit bei 400m. ist 12,501s.
von kerni polska
3. Feb 2010, 17:06
Forum: Facelift
Thema: My Corsa-a SHREK X25XE from POLAND
Antworten: 62
Zugriffe: 28452

Re: My Corsa-a SHREK X25XE from POLAND

some news :wink: BIcb_BoIpug qTYBAQGZUA4&NR=1 lHXCGegChLw&NR=1 http://images36.fotosik.pl/87/87f8092a0360d6be.jpg http://images50.fotosik.pl/129/e802901711c1b020.jpg http://www.polskajazda.pl/foto/foto-zoom/klima8a886d9850c56a83b.jpg http://www.polskajazda.pl/foto/foto-zoom/klima8CIMG8182.jp...
von kerni polska
30. Apr 2009, 21:22
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Re: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

acceleration on highway and finish 5th gear, near 225km/h :mrgreen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSFn-GjZzUw rally: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SYXMpOjYvfI/AAAAAAAAGeA/_AwYwHYzGg8/s720/IMG_2105.JPG http://lh6.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SZikL7S2BkI/AAAAAAAAHKE/6pombZ_n51k/s720/IMG_3431.JPG http:/...
von kerni polska
18. Nov 2008, 20:29
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Re: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

small up: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SSCXv-s1lhI/AAAAAAAAC_A/yQx779SqXj4/s576/3.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SSCXy_V8YtI/AAAAAAAAC_I/F7HOC5cpEvQ/s576/4.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SSCX2ZmKKjI/AAAAAAAAC_Q/hzjVL6Fr6cQ/s576/5.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_uyxTowk5tRo/SSCX5qDOw5I/A...
von kerni polska
21. Aug 2008, 12:51
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

did you weld your muffler on your own? yes ...all exhaust J made alone :wink: everything is mayself job pinting, swap, eninge modification, prelift body modifikation, body renovation (rost :roll: ) and meny meny more 8) exhayst prototype: (now on car is second evolution) http://img114.imageshack.us...
von kerni polska
20. Aug 2008, 23:09
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

:D : http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/9706/dsc03084xy7.jpg http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/7185/dsc03087qr5.jpg Mattig onboard, and last muffler with my supervisor coffee cup (with small modification, ) :D http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7085/dsc03031gx6.jpg http://img141.imageshack.us/img14...
von kerni polska
11. Jul 2008, 09:47
Forum: Facelift
Thema: mein 5türer update :-)
Antworten: 82
Zugriffe: 26564

von kerni polska
3. Jul 2008, 14:51
Forum: Vorfacelift
Thema: Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 10523

Gt/E 2.0 8v lexmaul&performance&mattig

J would like show you my corsa. It was 92'' afterlift model, with panoramic elektrik roof (flatdach), 1,4 engine and joy/gsi interior. Now she have: 2liter engine (c20ne) witch sport cam, high-compresion head (modification), ports(in/out) are biger, hard value springs, biger value, intake with Lexma...